Today is Get To Know Your Customers Day!

? Today is ⭐️ Get To Know Your Customers Day! ??‍♀️??????‍♂️ .

And we at Pressed love ❤️ all of our customers! ? So this week we took a little extra time to learn more about some of the yogis ?‍♀️ ?‍♂️ we see in the studio all the time so we could get to know what they love ❤️ most about yoga ?‍♀️ and our studio. We also wanted to share what we learned ? with the rest of our community! ??

Stay tuned over the next few days to learn what some of our most frequent yogis ?‍♀️ love about our studio, and be sure to show them some love, here ? ❤️ and in the studio. ?.

First up, Jackie T! ?? .

?? Favorite pose and why? My favorite pose is Naturajasana/Lord of the Dance because it engages my entire body. ?‍♀️.

?? Why yoga? What have you learned about yourself on the mat that is applicable to life outside the studio? I achieve my best mind-body-spirit balance, and for me that translates to happiness. .

?? Have you noticed any difference in your body or overall health since you started practicing yoga? I find that I am less stressed and feel better overall ? when I have been to a class, especially during stressful times.

?? When you’re not on your mat, where can we find you? You might find me cheering my boys at a soccer ⚽️ , basketball ? or hockey ? game, out for a run ?‍♀️ or relaxing on the couch watching a movie. ??.

?? Tips for a new student who has never been to Pressed? Try a few different classes with different teachers. They are all amazing! They are always supportive, knowledgeable ? and professional. ?? If you come with an open mind and a positive attitude the teachers will take you to the next level. ?.
