6 Week New Year Wellness Challenge

6 Week New Year Wellness Challenge Kickstart 2019 with our 6 week New Year Wellness Challenge!

6 Week Challenge includes:

Eating for Health, Performance and Energy Workshop (1 hour)
Saturday, January 26th at 10 am
Dr. Shanna Miller a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Doctor in Coon Rapids, MN. She will be kicking off our 6 week nutrition program with a one (1) hour class on eating nutritious food and living a lifestyle consistent with great health, athletic performance, and vitality. She will outline our Whole Food Diet plan that limits preservatives, additives and artificial food while feeding your body nutritious, healing and energy providing food. The class includes comprehensive meal planning and troubleshooting strategies. We will go through the Eating for Health rules including balancing blood sugar, cheat days, and setting yourself up for success!!
Weekly Nutrition Check-ins (45 minutes)
Saturdays at 10 am on 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23 and 3/2
Meet with Dr. Miller each Saturday to discuss where you are at, ask questions, and get personalized feedback to improve your wellness!

Members: $129
Non-Members: $149